
Suomen Kissaliitto ry

Suomen Kissaliitto ry was founded in 1975 and is the Finnish FIFe member. It consists of 14 registered clubs, which have over 7000 members. The number of members has been on the rise throughout the 21st century. Annually Kissaliitto registers almost 5000 pedigreed cats and almost 100 new cattery name prefixes.

As of 5.2.2025 Suomen Kissaliitto’s pedigree books are in electrical format in MyCats (Omakissa) system. Paper format copies can also be ordered by the owner, at additional cost.

The purpose of Suomen Kissaliitto ry is to unify, contribute and control the breeding of pedigreed cats and to maintain the Finnish cat registry. The aim is also to increase the appreciation for cats as well as their welfare in general.

The decisions in Suomen Kissaliitto ry are made biannually in the general assembly. Kissaliitto is run by the board which members are elected in the autum general assembly. The commissions and work groups work beside the Kissaliitto board, concentrating on their own special branches such as informing, education, health and welfare, registering and shows. The Kissaliitto office is situated in Helsinki and has three members of staff.

Kissaliitto publishes the Kissa magazine that comes out 5 times a year. The magazine subcription requires a membership in at least one of the Kissaliitto member clubs.

Kissaliitto is a full member in the international cat federationFIFe (Fédération Internationale Féline). FIFe has member organisations in 42 countries, on three continents. Finland has been represented from 1961.

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FIFe logo Fédération Internationale Féline (FIFe)

The member organisations of FIFe have chosen to follow the same rules with regard to the breed standards, cattery names, shows, judges and student judges. This common interest has, over the years, been consolidated to create the high standard and international reputation of the FIFe. FIFe has always had good relations with all the major cat organisations of the world. Its official seat is in Luxembourg and its official languages are French, German and English.

Page updated 18.02.2020/OL